8 nov 2013

Actividad 8/11/13

1. Name three qualities that you liked about this poem.
The mehtaphor in between the 6th and 8th verse is realy interesting, as well as the theme. And the fact that the lighs are described all along the poem makes it really descriptive and full.

2. " "  " "  didn't like about this poem
The rhyme scheme and the words used to rhyme are pretty lame. This is a contradiction, as he is trying to express complex feelings about love throug the use of a simple and poor rhyme.

3. Think of three questions you would ask to the poet.
Which is the idea of repeating the words in such a way?
What made you compare the amount of love through the cost of the clothes?
Did you get conclussions from this poem?

Sight: fat, black, woman, fields, hibscubs, lights up, waves, shape
Sound: fields, oblivion, sea
Taste: waves (maybe salt?)
Touch: hibscubs to her cheek, feet, waves
Smell: hibscubs, sea

1. Describe what is literally happening in each line.
The guy wants to put his most expensive clothes on the ground so that she could walk on top of them and watch her feet from taking dirt or water maybe. The fact is that he is poor, so the only thing he can throw on top of the mud are his dreams.

2. What do you say to the claim that this is a poem about love?
He is being a gentleman for her to like him, and that's pretty obvious. Though, is funny to think that if he wants her, his dreams will come true if he is with her, so, as he sais he wants to spread his dreams under her feet, he is saying that he want to throw her to the ground. That obviously isn't the idea of the text but it can be understood that way hehe.

3. Comment the rhyming scheme of the poem. How is it like the sea?
 The rhyming scheme could be simmilar to the sea in the sense that it repeats the same thing over a time, the same way the poem repeats the same words. Like for example, the top of the wave is feet and the bottom is dreams, so the waves would go feet dreams feet dreams and that is the way that waves move into the coast.

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