29 abr 2013

FOA Analysis

My task was about the aspects from the language used in advertisement and how the images and hidden messages make us know things.

Title of Work/Text
Text Type
 Bernardo Cienfuegos Bernardo Cienfuegos Interview
    Aims of the task: My main objective was to show that advertisement can give persuading messages that create necessities for people through hidden images and well picked words. Also, to understand how a simple advertisement need to work.

    The success in understanding this was archived. The psychological and visual effects from ads were exposed and explained through clear examples and explanations. Some ads had their hidden elements analyzed and their way of working was exposed.
   Of course, the language used in the presentation was formal and was used to show and explain how language is used in ads.

21 abr 2013

Analyzing an ad

Advertisement puts a lot of effort in convincing people to buy products. Which strategies are used by graphic designers to attract people's attention?

Problem and Benefit: The piece of ad will propose you a problem that you didn't had before hearing at the ad, and will offer a solution.

Bandwagon effect: Use something that people like to do, and use it to build an ad. For example: for a cinema, the slogan being "wanna see a movie?", for a restaurant "eat good", that kind of things.

Testimonials: Using people recomending the product. Ex: Dentists recommending a dental paste or a tooth brush.

Celebrities: Using famous people in the ad to enchant the reality of the product and make people subliminally think they will be as good as the person they are looking at if they buy the product.

Association: Link two things, the product and something people like.

Register and Style

This two items are contained in how two people from different places speak.

Register: Formal or informal, would determine if you are talking formally to a superior, your boss, your teacher, etc. Will be informal if the person you are talking to is at your "same level", like your best friend, your brother, etc.

Style: every person has its own way of saying things, his own choices of words for each situation, etc. This is called style.

Rule of three

The rule of three is a technique used by politicians to attract people's attention with catchy phrases. Causing them to follow they political career.

Some examples of this are:

"Asi es la vida, asi es la democracia, asi es la inmensa mayoría" (this is how life is, this is how democracy is, this is how the mayority of the people is) Sebastián Piñera

Countries having three colors on their flags

"I came, i saw, i conquered" Julious Caesar

"we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America" Barack Obama

Mc donald's angus advertisement

1. The ad was created by mcdonald's
2. Its attracting. The quality of the hamburger and how juicy and tasty it appears calls people's attention.
3. We could consider perfection and hapiness, as you will feel hapiness when eating it.
4. Vegan people wont eat this hamburger. The people doing diet won't be attracted neither.
5. Make people buy the hamburguer and make them hungry

20 abr 2013

Internet research Activity

Anti Ads: Is the oposite of an ad, looks to avoid people from buying a product. 

Thinking that the human is the center of everything and should be the center of the ads, the art, etc... Also, applies to "all humans are the same" and participates as a word included in a lot of help campaings.

Express methods of domination. Aplies to all the constant changing of the world. In ads, is usually used as having a company just to win money.

Comedy about something. The bad side of everything placed in a funny context.

Tobacco Cartoon Analysis

In the next image:

Language used searches to motivate people to buy cigarretes. The ironic way on how the remotely fair way on how that message will attract someone is the thing that makes the cartoon "comic".
There is a reason why this is a cartoon: because is funny, but there is a hidden parody behind:
All the years that the cigarrete was permitted everywhere, the publicity for them was really succesfull and worthy. Now, this image represent exactly the oposite of what people think. Total irony.

12 abr 2013

Further Oral Activity

This will be the organization of my activity:

1. Present the topic: Hiiden Language in advertisement

2. Explain that language is not only words, and that in advertisemets its used in many ways. Ex: color.

3. Show and explain some examples and analyze the hidden elements

4. Interview from graphic designers

5. Explain psycological analysis of what this images cause in people

6. Interaction with audience: Show two images of advertisement, ask which is more attractive.

7. My thesis: Graphic attractively made designs have more success with the public than complex, and more complete advertisements

8. Show more examples, compare the written language and the hidden and secondary simbols.

9. Biggest example: Show a "natural" product and then see the ingredients.

10. Compare the information given by a simple advertisement and a complex one.

11. Conclussion: Why did I learnt from doing this presentation, sinthesis.